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God is the Key I have a great career. I have had many dreams and goals in my life, I've made most of them come true, and I have a couple more to accomplish. One of them is to find the love of my life, so thats why I am here. I am looking for someone to be my best friend, my partner and hopefully my husband someday. I want someone who is mature and is honest. I have a great sense of humor. I am a very caring, passionate and romantic woman. I love camping, Water skiing, working in the yard. Playing with kids, I love kids. I would like to spend time with the lover in my life and go to some nice romantic places around the world. I love to cook and love to eat. I love to work out to keep in shape. I love doing projects around the house. I am a very Loyal woman. I have never cheated on anyone in my life and never will. I am a very caring and giving woman. If you get sick, I will be there to take care of you. If you are sad I will be there to cheer you up. I hope you would do the same for me. I love kissing, holding hands, hugging and cuddling. I realize that a lot of women are not honest when they do a profile of themselves. I would like you to know that I am being very careful and honest as I write my profile. Everything that I say is the truth. I would never want to lead anyone on, then end up hurting or disappointing someone down the road. I'm a gentleman first and foremost ,very easy going, financially secure, adventurous, passionate and loyal to the one I'm with, reasonably intelligent, adequately fit, appearance that won't send you running for the hills, a VERY healthy sense of humor and yes..... I have no hang-ups, drama, baggage, mental illness or defective parts. I believe a man should understand that there is no shame in being considerate to his lover. He can never do too much to please him. He should understand that passion, initiative, communication, understanding, tenderness, humility and patience are necessary for a complete, fulfilling relationship. Integrity, honesty, trust and communication are very important virtues I value so don't expect any game playing. I am hardworking, dependable and steadfast... I love to drink my coffee in the morning and get some rest after a long day... Age is just a number to me as long as you can smile I am hoping in meeting that one person that is ready to commit. I am a kind, caring person who has a good sense of humor. I am a true romantic, tactile and passionate. I am sensual, romantic, very young at heart, and love to laugh. Laughter is a big part of my life. It's good for the soul. I am open, honest, and upfront its saves drama and time. I like music of most kinds nature, photography, museums, zoo's, camping the real kind in a tent , forests, CA beaches, and all the beauty in the world. I love the way the forest air smells, the beach at 6 pm, sitting up all night over tea or coffee because we can't stop talking. This is romance to me. We make each other laugh a lot. Over dinner and dancing, we debate, imagine and laugh. We can't stop kissing. We hold hands under the table. We sneak out of parties to make out under the stars and see if the moon is full. My man would have to have a sense of humor, total honesty, respect for myself and others, a good heart, and love for life. A man that IS a man. I look at the heart, personality, and chemistry of a man, and not his outer-self! Honestly, it's not about how he looks on the outside - that's not what lasts! I am attracted to men that are funny, sensual, and easy going. If you're married to your job or married in life and really don't have time for dating, please be honest with yourself and me and leave me out of your picture - life is too short, and I believe there's a time for work and for play, and we should PLAN for both.

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